En proceso/Work in progress

Research areas/Líneas de investigación:

1.   The Economics of the Outer Space

2.   Applications of Dynamic General Equilibrium models

3.   Military Operations Research

4.   Technological Change

The Economics of the Outer Space

1.    Satellites and space pollution: Shielding and debris-free launch systems (with A. Bongers and B. Molinari).

2.    Interstellar: (Macro-)Economic Implications of the Special Relativity Theory (with A. Bongers, P. Casas and B. Molinari).

3.    Orbital Pollution and Optimal Active Debris Removal Policies (with A. Bongers and C. Ortiz).

4.    DISE: Dynamic Integrated Space-Economy model (with A. Bongers and C. Ortiz).

5.    The Foundations of the Economics of the Outer Space: A Premier Overview (with A. Bongers, B. Molinari and S. Rouillon).

Applications of Dynamic General Equilibrium models

1.    Banks, Securitisation, and the Macroeconomy (with Kul Luintel).

2.    Sharing Economy in Macroeconomics. Collaborative Consumption and Durable Goods (with José M. Ordóñez).

3.    Driving time, Productivity, and the Fundamental Law of Road Congestion (with Jesús Rodríguez).

4.    Labor share and income distribution: Size of the cake or the cake portion? (with Anelí Bongers and Benedetto Molinari) RCEA Working Paper 21-06.

5.    Oil price shocks, government revenues and public investment: The case of Ecuador (with Igor Díaz-Kovalenco).

6.    Efficiency and welfare effects of fiscal policy in emerging economies: The case of Morocco (with Ahmed El Khalifi and Hicham Ouakil).

Military Operations Research

1.    A Bayesian estimation of the Battles of the Coral Sea and Midway (with A. Bongers).

Technological Change

1.    Consumer preferences and implicit prices of smartphone characteristics (with José A. Montenegro).