Últimos eventos
Rueda de prensa de presentación del programa Emprende. Asiste el consejero de Economía y Conocimiento, Antonio Ramírez de Arellano, y el rector de la UMA, José Ángel Narváez.
Fecha: Viernes, 11 de septiembre
Lugar: Sala de Juntas del Rectorado
Hora: 11,00
OpenLivingLab Days is the annual summit of the worldwide Living Lab community combing 4 days networking, sharing, learning and exploitation of theory, methods and tools.
Participants have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience from the leading experts on the subject of Living Labs and to network with other Living Lab enthusiasts.
The Living Lab fair will run on Day 2 and 3 of OpenLivingLab Days (Wednesday the 26th and Thursday the 27th of August) and offers a great opportunity for you to present your Living Lab or Living Lab project, disseminate your research, conduct Living Lab testing or prototype a new product or service. We will also be organising pitching & matchmaking sessions in this area with interactive displays.
Read more, find out what the Agenda consists of and get registered by visiting the OpenLivingLab 2015 website.