Francisco Ruiz



Research Group Research Interests Publications
Conferences Invited Talks Projects and contracts


Nearly all my research activity has taken place in the frame Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), in the Reasearch Group on Multicriteria Decision Making of the University of Málaga.

Multiple Criteria Decision Making is the branch of Operational Research that studies the development and application of mathematical techniques for ading decision making processes. When the set of possible decisions can be mathemacally defined through a series of inequelities, and he criteria can take the form of objectives represented by functions, then we are facing a Multiobjective Programming problem.

The growing interest of the international scientific community in the problem of sustainability, together with its intrinsic multicriteria nature, made us start looking for applications in this field. Therefore, these are the main reserach themes of our group.

    For further information about these topics, go to the group's webpage, by clicking on the logo, or to any of the links listed in the corresponding section.

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    My current research and interest topics are:

        - Electricity generation systems,

        - Design of synthetic sustainability indicators,

        - Portfolio selection.

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a) Papers in scientific journals

b) Edited books

c) Book chapters

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I have presented 88 communications in international conferences. I usually attend the conferences of the MOPGP series, and the conferences of the Internatinal Society on Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). The communications presented during the last years are:

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I have participated in a great number of research projects:

Since our research group was born, I have participated in the following research projects and contracts:

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