Press room news
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Oct. 22, 2013UMA's Higher Technical School of Computer Science Engineering held the event
Oct. 22, 2013The University Library is also well positioned in the social networks according to AVANZA ranking
Oct. 22, 2013The awards ceremony for essays will be held next Monday
Oct. 22, 2013The internationally renowned researcher harshly criticised research spending cuts
Oct. 21, 2013Numerous activities comprise the event "Be unique: we teamed up".
Oct. 21, 2013Completing this programme will be a prerequisite to exercise the profession
Oct. 18, 2013A joint communiqué has been drafted, following a meeting with Andalusia's Ombudsman
Oct. 17, 2013Vice-presidents for Research of Andalusian public universities have joined forces at UPO "in mourning for science"
Oct. 17, 2013The Language Centre offers distance learning sign language courses
Oct. 17, 2013This action plan is in line with the strategic framework developed by the Universities of Málaga and Seville
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