Últimos eventos
Acto Homenaje a Antonio Parejo "Perfiles de una vida académica y científica"
Lugar: Salón de Actos del Rectorado
Fecha: Viernes, 5 de junio
Hora: 11,30
With 500+ participants from over 30 different countries, interactive roundtable sessions, inspiring excursions and lots of networking opportunities the Smart City Event 2014 was a great success!
On the 2nd until the 5th of June 2015, The Smart City Event will take place for the 5th time in Amsterdam.
More info
Location: Amsterdam Arena, Arena Boulevard 1, 1101 AX Amsterdam
Source -
Acto de entrega de las tres becas "Manuel Molina", patrocinadas por la Universidad de Málaga, a través de la Fundación General (FGUMA) y del grupo de empresas de turismo TSS Group (Fundación Manuel Molina).
Lugar: Sala de Juntas del Rectorado
Fecha: Jueves, 4 de junio
Hora: 19,00
Acto de investidura como Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Málaga del prestigioso químico Jean Marie Lehn
Lugar: Salón de Actos del Rectorado
Fecha: Miércoles, 3 de junio
Hora: 19,00
Big data, wearable technology, connected devices, cloud-based software: the Internet of Things industry is still rising in a high-speed tempo. Which markets are changed or influenced by the growing IoT? How to secure the cloud? And what developments can we expect in the near future?
On June 2nd we welcome you to the Internet of Things Event at High Tech Campus Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The event gives insights in the rapidly developing market, in new technologies and in how other businesses apply the new opportunities that are brought by IoT.
The following topics will be covered during the conference:
Market & developments overview
Big data applications for IoT
Security of data
Design of IoT products/services
From product to services, a paradigm shift
Legal issues and social aspects
Internet of Things and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Service Lifecycle Management (SLM)
But there is more. This edition of the Internet of Things Event does not only contain a seminar. Attendees can also join the refreshing conversation around the exhibition, where several established companies as well as promising startups will show their innovative products and services.
Plus, creatives are invited to participate in the two-day hackathon, to create mind boggling product/service combinations based on connected products and win € 1000 or € 500!
Connect with international companies and organisations and explore the market and its innovative technologies, while expanding your network.
Who should attend?
Hardware manufacturers (telecom, IT, consumer electronics, sensors) | open source professionals | software manufacturers (OS, applications, embedded software, open data, data visualization) | system integrators | service providers | operators | ISP’s | energy, electricity, water companies | venture capital | financial industry | design companies | IP | legal and regulation professionals | educational institutions | and for example:
Executives who want to learn how leading companies leverage advanced analytics to compete and win
Interactive marketing innovators who want access to “game changing” insights for digital marketing optimization.
Enterprise architects, data warehousing, and business intelligence professionals looking to provide the infrastructure for big data and advanced analytics to their business partners.
Data scientists, business analysts, statisticians, “quants”, hackers, or analytics professionals responsible for making data-driven business decisions.
UI developers, sociologists, psychologists etc. who want to learn what the human factors should be in IoT and Big Data.
In short: anyone who sees potential in the IoT.
http://iotevent.eu/ -
Entrega de premios de la V Olimpiada Financiera
Hora: 11,30
Lugar: Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Económicas
Entrega de premios de la V Olimpiada Financiera
El 1 de junio se hará entrega de los premios de la V Olimpiada Financiera cuyo objetivo es el de fomentar la Educación Financiera entre los alumnos de Enseñanza Secundaria. La Olimpiada Financiera forma parte del Proyecto Edufinet desarrollado por Unicaja, con la colaboración de la Universidades Internacional de Andalucía, Málaga, Pablo de Olavide, Jaén y Córdoba.
El curso Excel 2013 ayudará a los alumnos a manejar las hojas de cálculo para diseñar tablas dinámicas, planificar distintos escenarios o diseñar informes y gráficos.
Curso on-line que el alumno puede comenzar en cualquier momento dentro del periodo de matriculación
Plazo de matrícula: hasta el 09/09/2015
Lugar: Aula Virtual (el curso se inicia mediante la recepción de una clave en su correo electrónico los días 1 de cada mes para todos aquellos alumnos que se hayan matriculado en el transcurso del mes anterior)Programa:
1 Introducción a Excel 2013
2 Configuración de la ventana de la aplicación
3 Mecanismos de importación y exportación de ficheros
4 Utilización de rangos y vinculación entre ficheros
5 Utilización de las herramientas avanzadas de formato
6 Herramientas de segundad de una hoja
7 Funciones complejas
8 Representación de gráficas complejas
9 Manipulación de datos con tablas dinámicas
10 Análisis de escenarios
11 Utilización de macros
12 Integración Office 2013
13 Prácticas Excel 2013
14 Cuestionario final