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  • Electro Mobility in Smart Cities


    Governments around the world have set goals to increase electro mobility and the global market is booming. Vast opportunities are opened for cities and companies and new business models, technologies and applications are constantly created.

    In September, we want national and international stakeholders from industry, academia and the public sector to take part of the latest development in the electro mobility area. We will provide you with:

    Top experts, from for example, Calstart in California and The Swedish Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Centre
    • Some of the world’s most prominent companies such as Volvo Bus, ABB and Volvo Cars
    Cities at the forefront such as, Shanghai and Berlin.

    The setting is Gothenburg, Sweden where we will show you world class solutions in the electro mobility and urban planning area such as the famous ElectriCity-project with 100% electric buses, smart indoor bus stops and ICT-solutions making passengers happy.

    Don’t miss out on getting new contacts, increased knowledge and loads of insights!

    Welcome to Gothenburg!

    Learn more and register for this event >

  • Source:

    Preparing a proposal for Horizon 2020? Partnering with a design-actor could improve chances of success

    A project development workshop under the EU Design Days aims to match European designers with projects applying for EU funding – in sectors such as Energy, ICT and Smart Cities.

    Design is not just about the way things look, it is also about the way they work – and how they are developed. The Commission aims to increase the use of design for innovation and growth across Europe and recognizes that design is a key discipline to bring ideas to market, in other words to amplify project impact.

    A workshop set up as part of the EU Design Days (September 22nd 2016) aims to exploit and showcase the innovation potential of design across sectors – by organizing project development between organizations working on Horizon 2020 proposals and designers wishing to join a consortium. Experts will be on hand to provide feedback on the ideas.

    Are you preparing a proposal under Horizon 2020 with a deadline in 2017? Are you interested to find out how design could improve the proposal and the project? Would you like the opportunity to find relevant design actors to invite to join the consortium?

    Then register as a proposer for the workshop!

    More information in the enclosed documents.

    Please return the filled in template to Siri Raahede Bentzen by 15th June

    PDF icon Call for proposers.pdf512.47 KB
    PDF icon Registration form for project ideas DD2016 cross-sectoral project development.pdf667.34 KB
  • Inauguración Jornadas Innovación Educativa

    Fecha: 22 de septiembre de 2016

    Lugar: Facultad de Estudios Sociales y del Trabajo. Ampliación Campus de Teatinos

    Hora: 9,00

  • Inauguración Jornadas I+D y Seguridad

    Fecha: Jueves 22 de septiembre de 2016

    Lugar: Rectorado. Avda. Cervantes, 2

    Hora: 10,00



    El próximo 21 de septiembre se inicia el curso en la Facultad de Económicas para todos los cursos y grupos, a excepción de las asignaturas optativas que comenzarán el día 5 de octubre. Los alumnos de nuevo ingreso, además de asistir a sus correspondientes clases, deberán acudir al Acto de Bienvenida que tendrá lugar el mismo día 21 según se indica en la siguiente información.


  • X limpieza de fondos marinos en el espigón de la Térmica




    X limpieza de fondos marinos en el espigón de la Térmica

    Este sábado la Asociación Universitaria de Actividades Subacuáticas AUAS organiza la X limpieza de fondos marinos en el espigón de la Térmica. Se trata de una jornada medioambiental para extraer los restos acumulados. Además, voluntarios en tierra harán lo mismo sobre la superficie del espigón convirtiendo esta acción en una actividad de concienciación ciudadana sobre la necesidad por parte de todos de cuidar el litoral. Los restos extraídos por los buceadores y voluntarios en tierra se trasladarán a lo largo de la mañana a la playa para su clasificación y posterior reciclaje. Inscripciones en

  • 14 September 2016, Brussels – Information Day on the 2017 calls for proposals of Horizon 2020's Societal Challenge 5 "Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials".









    The European Commission is organising an Information Day to present the following calls for proposals to be launched in autumn 2016:

    Representatives of the research community, SME associations, businesses, industry and European institutions are invited to join the event on Wednesday, 14 September 2016 in the European Commission's Charlemagne building, rue de la Loi 170, Brussels.

    View Larger Map

    Registration will open in July.

    Please check this webpage regularly:

    Further information on the event (programme, registration, practical information) will be published in the following weeks.

    For any questions please contact

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