Submitted Accepted papers

Manuel Contreras, José Ángel Peláez, Christian Pommerenke and Jouni Rättyä, Integral operators mapping into the space of bounded analytic functions,

to appear in Journal of Functional Analysis.

José Ángel Peláez and Jouni Rättyä, Trace class criteria for Toeplitz and composition operators on small Bergman spaces

to appear in Advances in Mathematics.

José Ángel Peláez, Small weighted Bergman spaces, to appear in Proceedings of the Summer School "Complex and Harmonic Analysis", Mekrijärvi (2014)

José Ángel Peláez and Jouni Rättyä, On the boundedness of Bergman projection,

accepted for publication in Proceeding of CIDAMA VI, Antequera (2014)

Submitted papers

José Ángel Peláez and Daniel Seco, Schatten classes of generalizaed Hilbert operators