

1. “An Experimental Study on the Effects of Communication, Credibility, and Clustering in Network Games” (joint with Gary Charness, Francesco Feri and Matthias Sutter), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023, 105: 1530–1543.

2. “Transmission and Use of Information in Network Games” (joint with Sergio Currarini, Francesco Feri and Bjoern Hartig), European Economic Review, 2023, 155: 104443.

3. “The Bureaucracy Trap” (joint with Ascensión Andina-Díaz and Francesco Feri). Economics Letters, 2023, 204: 104532.

4. “Engaging Academic Staff in the Quality Assurance System in Higher Education: A Field Experiment” (joint with Antonio J. Morales and Javier Rodero), Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2022, 100: 101923.

5. “Far above others” (joint with Dunia López-Pintado). Journal of Economic Theory, 2021, 198: 105376.

6. “Institutional Flexibility, Political Alternation and Middle-of-the-road Policies” (joint with Ascensión Andina-Díaz and Francesco Feri). Journal of Public Economics, 2021, 204: 104532.

7. Promises and Trust in Human–Robot Interaction” (joint with Lorenzo Cominelli, Francesco Feri, Roberto Garofalo, Caterina Giannetti, Alberto Greco, Mimma Nardelli, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo and Oliver Kirchkamp). Nature Scientific Reports, 2021, 11: 9687.

8. “Can There Be a Market for Cheap-talk Information? An Experimental Investigation” (joint with Antonio Cabrales, Francesco Feri and Piero Gottardi). Games and Economic Behavior, 2020, 121: 368-381.

9. “Pooling or Fooling? An Experiment on Signaling” (joint with Francesco Feri, Giovanni Ponti, Fernando Vega-Redondo and Haihan Yu). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020, 176: 582-596.

10. “Dirty Neighbors - Pollution in an Interlinked World” (joint with Arnold Polanski). Energy Economics, 2020, 86: 104636.

11. “Social Hierarchies: A Laboratory Study on Punishment Patterns across Networks” (joint with Enrique Fatás and Héctor Solaz). Economic Inquiry, 2020, 58(1): 104-119.

12. “Bounded Confidence under Preferential Flip: A Coupled Dynamics of Structural Balance and Opinions ” (joint with Ascensión Andina-Díaz and Antonio Parravano). PLOS ONE, 2016, 11(10): e0164323.  

13. “Branching Deregulation and Merger Optimality” (joint with Ana Lozano-Vivas and Antonio J. Morales). The Manchester School, 2016, 84(2): 270–295.

14. “No Fight, no Loss: Underinvestment in Experimental Contest Games” (joint with Sara Godoy and Antonio J. Morales). Economics of Governance, 2015, 16(1): 53-72.

15. “Public Goods and Decay in Networks”  (joint with Enrique Fatás, Antonio J. Morales and Héctor Solaz). SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 2015, 6:7390. 

16. “Experimental Games on Networks: Underpinnings of Behavior and Equilibrium Selection” (joint with Gary Charness, Francesco Feri and Matthias Sutter). Econometrica, 2014, 82(5): 1615–1670. [Awarded with the Exeter Prize 2015 for Research in Experimental Economics, Decision Theory and Behavioral Economics]  

17. On the Notion of Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium” (joint with Julio González-Díaz). TOP, 2014, 22:128–143.

18. “Coordination in Evolving Networks with Endogenous Decay” (joint with Francesco Feri). Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2013, 23: 955–1000.

19. “Error Cascades in Observational Learning: An Experiment on the Chinos Game” (joint with Francesco Feri, Giovanni Ponti and Fernando Vega-Redondo). Games and Economic Behavior, 2011, 73:136-146.

20. “With Whom to Merge? A Tale of the Spanish Banking Deregulation Process” (joint with Ana Lozano-Vivas and Antonio J. Morales). SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 2011, 2:159-184.

21. “An Experimental Analysis of Team Production in Networks” (joint with Enrique Fatás and Héctor Solaz). Experimental Economics, 2010, 13:399-411.

22. “Voting in Small Networks with Cross-Pressure” (joint with Ascensión Andina-Díaz). Spanish Economic Review, 2009, 11:99-124.

23. “A Bargaining Approach to Coordination in Networks”. International Journal of Game Theory, 2008, 37:439-456.



Other Publications


 “La Economía como Ciencia Social: Información Social y Comportamiento Económico” [In Spanish] (joint with Antonio J. Morales and J. Rodero). Economía Industrial, 2019, 413, 33-41. 


 “Bargaining Power and Network Formation”. Cuadernos de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, 2009, 56-57:113-145.



Working Papers and Work in Progress


 Communication and Social Preferences: An Experimental Analysis” (joint with Antonio Cabrales, Francesco Feri and Piero Gottardi).


 “Popularity and Tolerance in Networks” (joint with Dunia López-Pintado)


 “Exploitation and Cooperation in Networks” (joint with Andrea Galeotti).

Miguel A. Meléndez-Jiménez


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