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Erotismo y sexualidad en la Antigüedad clásica:

ensayo de un repertorio bibliográfico





  1. Situación de la mujer y roles sexuales (women and gender studies).

2.1.  Estudios generales y repertorios bibliográficos.

2.2.  Sociología del sexo y del género.

2.2.1.      Identidades y preferencias: heterosexualidad/bisexualidad.

2.2.2.      Ambigüedad sexual, transvestismo.

2.3.  Fisiología del sexo y del género.

2.3.1.      Aspectos médicos generales: ginecología, andrología.

2.3.2.      Androginia y hermafroditismo.

2.3.3.      Embarazo y parto, aborto y contracepción.

2.4.  Presencia del sexo en la vida en sociedad de la mujer.

2.4.1.      Status de la mujer: mozas, esposas, concubinas y viudas.

2.4.2.      La mujer frente al (otro) sexo: virginidad, castidad, promiscuidad.

2.4.3.      La mujer en sociedad: educación y participación en fiestas, rituales y otros actos sociales con frecuente componente sexual.

2.5.  Mujer y arte: sexo y género en las representaciones artísticas femeninas.

2.6.  Mujer y literatura. Tratamiento de la mujer en los distintos autores y géneros.


2.1.Estudios generales y repertorios bibliográficos.

Albrecht (1998) = R. Albrecht, “Frau. Christentum”, NP, 4 (1998) 640-641.

Arjava (1998) = A. Arjava, Women and Law in Late Antiquity, Oxford, 1998.

Arrigoni (1985) = G. Arrigoni (cur.), Le donne in Grecia, Roma-Bari, 1985.

Arthur (A-1973) = Marilyn B. Arthur, “Origins of the Western Attitude Toward Woman”, Arethusa, 6 (1973) 7-58.

Aspegren (1990) = K. Aspegren, The Male Woman: A Feminine Ideal in the Early Church, Upsala, 1990.

Barnard (1977) = S. Barnard, “Hellenistic Women Poets”, CJ, 73 (1977-78) 204-213.

Bergreen-Marinatos (1995) = B. Bergreen – N. Marinatos (eds.), Greece & Gender, Bergen, 1995.

Blok-Mason (1987) = J. Blok – P. Mason (eds.), Sexual Asymmetry. Studies in ancient society, Amsterdam, 1987.

Blundell (1995) = S. Blundell, Women in ancient Greece, Londres, 1995.

Blundell (1998) = Id., Women in Classical Athens, Londres, 1998.

Borragán (2000) = N. Borragán, La mujer en la sociedad romana del Alto Imperio (siglo II D. C.), Madrid, 2000.

Burck (1969) = E. Burck, Die Frau in der griechisch-römischen Antike, Múnich, 1969.

Caldwell (1973) = Richard S. Caldwell, “The Misogyny of Eteocles”, Arethusa, 6 (1973) 197-231.

Calero (1999) = Id., Consejeras, confidentes, cómplices: La servidumbre femenina en la literatura griega antigua, Madrid, 1999.

Cameron-Kuhrt (1983) = A. Cameron – A. Kuhrt (eds.), Images of Women in Antiquity, Londres, 1983.

Cantarella (1981) = E. Cantarella, L’ambiguo malanno. Condizione e immagine della donna nell’antichità greca e romana, Roma, 1981 (trad. esp., Madrid 1991).

Cantarella (1986) = Id., “Women’s position in classical Athens” (en gr., con resumen en ingl.), Archaiologia, 21 (1986) 14-18.

Cantarella (1998b) = Id., Passato prossimo. Donne romane da Tacita a Sulpicia, Milán, 1998.

Capriglione (1990) = Jolanda C. Capriglione, La passione amorosa nella città ‘senza’ donne, Nápoles, 1990.

Cavallini (1999) = E. Cavallini, Le sgualdrine impenitenti. Femminilità ‘irregolare’ in Grecia e a Roma, Milán, 1999.

Charpin (2001) = F. Charpin, Le Féminin exclu, París, 2001.

Clark (A-1994) = Edith G. Clark, Women in late antiquity. Pagan and Christian Lifestyles, Oxford, 1994.

Cole (1991) = Susan G. Cole, “Gynaixi ou themis: Male and Female in the Greek Leges Sacrae”, Helios, 17 (1991) .

Culham (1986) = Ph. Culham, “Ten Years after Pomeroy: Studies in the Image and Reality of Women in Antiquity”, Helios, 13.2 (1986) 9-30.

D’Avino (1964) = M. D’Avino, La donna a Pompei, Novara, 1968.

De Martino (1991) = F. De Martino, “Appunti sulla scritura al femminile nel mondo antico”, en F. De Martino (ed.), Rose di Pieria, Bari, 1991, pp. 17-75.

Dettenhofer (1993) = Maria H. Dettenhofer, “Die Frauen von Sparta: Gesellschaftliche Position und Politische Relevanz”, Klio, 75 (1993) 61-75.

Dillon (A-1995) = J. Dillon, “The equality of the sexes. Variations on a rhetorical theme in the fourth century AD”, Hermathena, 158 (1995) 27-37.

Dowden (1997) = K. Dowden, “The Amazons: Development and Functions”, RhM, 140 (1997) 97-128.

Dubois (1988) = P. Dubois, Sowing the Body. Psychoanalysis and Ancient Representations of Women, Chicago, 1988.

Dubois (1992) = Id., “Eros and the Woman”, Ramus, 21 (1992) 97-116.

Duby-Perrot (1991) = G. Duby – M. Perrot (eds.), Historia de las mujeres. Vol. I: La antigüedad, Madrid, 1991.

Eyben (1980) = E. Eyben, “Mann und Frau im frühen Christentum”, en J. Martin – R. Zöpffel (eds.), Aufgaben, Rollen und Räume von Frau und Mann, Friburgo, 1989, pp. 565-605.

Fantham (1986b) = E. Fantham, “Women in Antiquity: A Selective (and Subjective) Survey 1979-1984”, EMC, 30 (1986) 1-24.

Fantham-Foley (1994) = E. Fantham – H. P. Foley – N. B. Kampen – S. B. Pomeroy – H. A. Shapiro (eds.), Women in the Classical World. Image and Text, Londres-Nueva York, 1994.

Fau (1978) = G. Fau, L’émancipation féminine dans la Rome antique, París, 1978.

Feichtinger-Wöhrle (2002) = B. Feichtinger – G. Wöhrle (eds.), Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen, Trier, 2002.

Ferrandini (1998) = F. Ferrandini Troisi, “Donne e vita publica in Grecia”, InvLuc, 20 (1998) 103-118.

Ferrari (2002) = Id., Figures of Speech: Men and Maidens in Ancient Greece, Chicago, 2002.

Foley (1981) = Helene P. Foley (ed.), Reflections of women in Antiquity, Nueva York, 1981.

Foley (1988) = Id., “Women in Greece”, en M. Grant – R. Kitzinger (eds.), Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece and Rome, Nueva York, 1988, pp. 1301-1318.

Foxhall (1998) = L. Foxhall, “Natural Sex: The Attribution of Sex and Gender to Plants in Ancient Greece”, en Foxhall-Salmon (1998), pp. 57-70.

Foxhall-Salmon (1998) = L. Foxhall – J. Salmon (eds.), Thinking Men. Masculinity and its Self-Representation in the Classical Tradition, Londres-Nueva York, 1998.

Foxhall-Salmon (B-1998) = L. Foxhall – J. Salmon (eds.), When Men were Men. Masculinity, Power and Identity in Classical Antiquity, Londres-Nueva York, 1998.

Gallo (B-1984) = L. Gallo, “La donna greca e la marginalità”, QUCC, 18 (1984) 7-51.

Gardner (1986) = Jane F. Gardner, Women in Roman Law and Society, Bloomington, 1986.

Gardner (1998) = Id., “Sexing a Roman: Imperfect Men in Roman Law”, en Foxhall-Salmon (B-1998), pp. 136-152.

Garrido (A-1986) = E. Garrido González (ed.), La mujer en el mundo antiguo, Madrid, 1986.

Garrido (A-1986b) = Id., “Problemática del estudio de la mujer en el mundo antiguo. Aportación bibliográfica”, en Garrido (A-1986), pp. 29-65.

Garrido (B-1999) = M. Garrido-Hory, “Femmes, femmes-esclaves et processus de féminisation dans les oeuvres de Martial et Juvénal”, en F. Reduzzi Merola – A. Storchi Marino (eds.), Femmes – esclaves. Modèles d’interpretation anthropologique, économique, juridique, Nápoles, 1999, pp. 303-313.

Geddes (1975) = A. Geddes, “The Philosophic Notion of Women in Antiquity”, Antichthon, 9 (1975) 35-40.

Giallongo (1981) = A. Giallongo, L’immagine della donna nella cultura greca, Rímini, 1981.

Gilleland (1980) = M. E. Gilleland, “Female speech in Greek and Latin”, AJPh, 101 (1980) 180-183.

Gleason (1990) = Maud W. Gleason, “The Semiotics of Gender: Physiognomy and Self-Fashioning in the Second Century C. E.”, en Halperin-Winkler-Zeitlin (1990), pp. 389-415.

Gould (1980) = J. Gould, “Law, Custom and Myth: Aspects of the Social Position of Women in Classical Athens”, JHS, 100 (1980) 38-59.

Guiducci (1989) = A. Guiducci, Perdute nella storia. Storia delle donne dal I al VI secolo d. C., Roma, 1989.

Hawley-Levick (1995) = R. Hawley – B. Levick (eds.), Women in Antiquity: new assessments, Londres, 1995.

Hermann (1998) = E. Hermann-Otto, “Herrschaft und Geschlecht in der griechisch-römischen Antike”, Journal for the Promotion of Classical Studies, 6 (1998) 143-187.

Iriarte (1994) = A. Iriarte, “Contra una historia asexuada de la antigua Grecia”, en Mª J. Rodríguez Mampaso – E. Hidalgo Blanco – Carlos G. Wagner (eds.), Roles sexuales. La mujer en la historia y la cultura, Madrid, 1994, pp. 3-13.

Joshel-Murnagan (1998) = Sandra R. Joshel & Sheila Murnagan (eds.), Women and Slaves in Greco-Roman Culture: Differential Equations, Londres-Nueva York, 1998.

Just (1975) = R. Just, “Conceptions of Women in Classical Athens”, Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, 6.3 (1975) 153-170.

Just (1989) = Id., Women in Athenian law and  life, Londres-Nueva York, 1989.

Kampen (2000) = Id., “Gender Studies”, en A. H. Borbein – T. Hölscher – P. Zanker (eds.), Klassische Archäologie. Eine Einführung, Berlín, 2000, pp. 189-204.

Karydas (1998) = Helen P. Karydas, Eurykleia and Her Succesors: Female Figures of Authority in Greek Poetics, Lanham, 1998.

Katz (1995) = Marilyn A. Katz, “Ideology and ‘the status of women’ in ancient Greece”, en Hawley-Levick (1995), pp. 21-43.

Keuls (1983) = Eva. C. Keuls, “The Hetaera and the Housewife: the Splitting of the Female Psyche in Greek Art”, MNIR, 44-45 (1983) 23-40.

Kleiner-Matheson (1996) = Diane E. Kleiner – Susan B. Matheson (eds.), I Claudia: Women in ancient Rome, New Haven, 1996.

Kraemer (1983) = Ross S. Kraemer, “Women in the religions of the Graeco-Roman world”, RSR, 9 (1983) 127-139.

Kuefler (2001) = M. Kuefler, The Manly Eunuch. Masculinity, Gender Ambiguity, and Christian Theology in Late Antiquity, Chicago, 2001.

Kunstler (1983) = B. L. Kunstler, Women and the development of the Spartan polis. A study of sex roles in classical antiquity, tesis, Boston Univ. Graduate School, 1983.

Kunstler (1986) = Id., “Family dynamics and female power in ancient Sparta”, Helios, 13.2 (1986) 31-48.

Lardinois-McClure (2001) = A. Lardinois – L. McClure (eds.), Making Silence Speak: Women’s Voice’s in Greek Literature and Society, Princeton, 2001.

Larsson-Strömberg (1998) = Lena L. Larsson – A. Strömberg (eds.), Aspects of women in Antiquity, Jonsered, 1998

Lefkowitz (1986) = Id., Women in Greek Myth, Londres, 1986.

Lefkowitz-Fant (1982) = Mary R. Lefkowitz – M. B. Fant, Women’s Life in Ancient Greece and Rome. A Source Book in Translation, Londres-Baltimore, 1982.

Lewellyn (2002) = Ll. Lewellyn-Jones (ed.), Women’s Dress in the Ancient Greek World, Londres, 2002.

Lewis (C-2002) = S. Lewis, The Athenian Woman. An iconographic handbook, Londres-Nueva York, 2002.

López-Martínez-Pociña (1990) = A. López – C. Martínez – A. Pociña (eds.), La mujer en el mundo mediterráneo antiguo, Granada, 1990.

Loraux (1981) = N. Loraux, Les enfants d’Athéna: idées athéniennes sur la citoyen­neté et la division des sexes, París, 1981 (trad. ingl., Princeton, 1993).

Loraux (1989) = Id., Les expériences de Tirésias. Le féminin et l’homme grec, París, 1989 (trad. ital., Bari, 1991; trad. ingl., Princeton, 1995).

Loraux (1990) = Id., “Herakles: The Super-Male and the Feminine”, en Halperin-Winkler-Zeitlin (1990), pp. 21-52.

Loraux (1993) = Id. (cur.), Grecia al femminile, Roma-Bari, 1993.

Madrid (1999) = M. Madrid, La misoginia en Grecia, Madrid, 1999.

Mason (B-1987) = P. Mason, “Third Person/Second Sex: Patterns of sexual asymmetry in the Theogony of Hesiodos”, en Blok-Mason (1987), pp. 147-189.

McAuslan-Walcot (1996) = Y. McAuslan – P. Walcot (eds.), Women in Antiquity, Nueva York, 1996.

McClure (2002) = Laura K. McClure (ed.), Sexuality and Gender in the Classical World, Oxford, 2002.

McManus (1997) = B. F. McManus, Classics and Feminism: Gendering the Classics, Nueva York, 1997.

Montserrat (2000) = D. Montserrat, “Gender in the Roman World. Reading and Studying Roman Gender” (2 nov. 2000) <http://www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/Classics/sandgessay.html>.

Moreau (A-1985) = A. Moreau, “Les Danaïdes de Mélanipidès: La femme virile”, Pallas, 32 (1985) 61-90. [= CGITA, 8 (1994-95) 119-151]

Mossé (1983) = C. Mossé, La femme dans la Grèce antique, París, 1983 (trad. esp., Madrid, 1990).

Nevett (1995) = L. C. Nevet, “Gender relations in the classical Greek household: the archaeological evidence”, BSA, 90 (1995) 363-381.

Peradotto-Sullivan (1984) = J. Peradotto – J. P. Sullivan (eds.), Women in the ancient World, Nueva York, 1984.

Pérez-Andreotti (1996) = A. Pérez Jiménez – G. Cruz Andreotti (eds.), Hijas de Afrodita: La sexualidad femenina en los pueblos mediterráneos, Madrid, 1996.

Pomeroy (B-1975) = Sarah B. Pomeroy, Goddesses, Whores, Wives and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity, Nueva York, 1975 (trad. esp., Madrid, 1987).

Pomeroy (B-1984) = Id., “Selected Bibliography on Women in Classical Antiquity”, en Peradotto-Sullivan (1984), págs. 315-377.

Pomeroy (B-1984b) = Id., Women in hellenistic Egypt. From Alexander to Cleopatra, Nueva York, 1984.

Pomeroy (B-2002) = Id., Spartan Women, Oxford, 2002.

Porter (A-1999) = James I. Porter, Constructions of the Classical Body, Ann Arbor, 1999.

Rabinowitz-Richlin (1993) = Nancy S. Rabinowitz – A. Richlin (eds.), Feminist Theory and the Classics, Nueva York, 1993.

Raffaelli (1995) = R. Raffaelli (ed.), Vicende e figure femminili in Grecia e a Roma, Ancona, 1995.

Redfield (B- 1977) = R. Redfield, “The Women of Sparta”, CJ, 73 (1977) 141-161.

Richlin (1991) = Id., “Zeus and Metis: Foucault, Feminism, Classics”, Helios, 18 (1991) 160-180.

Rodríguez-Hidalgo-Wagner (1994) = M. J. Rodríguez Mampaso – E. Hidalgo Blanco – C. G. Wagner (eds.), Roles sexuales. La mujer en la historia y la cultura, Madrid, 1994.

Rollinger-Ulf (1999) = R. Rollinger – Chr. Ulf (eds.), Geschlechterrollen und Frauenbild in der Perspektive antiker Autoren, Innsbruck-Viena-Múnich, 1999.

Rowlandson (1998) = J. Rowlandson (ed.), Women and Society in Greek and Roman Egypt: A Sourcebook, Cambridge, 1998.

Savalli (1983) = I. Savalli, La donna nella società della Grecia antica, Bolonia, 1983.

Scheer (2000) = T. Scheer, “Forschungen über die Frau in der Antike. Ziele, Methoden, Perspektiven”, Gymnasium, 107 (2000) 143-172.

Schmitt (B-1991) = P. Schmitt Pantel (ed.), Historia de las mujeres. Tomo 1: La Antigüedad, Madrid, 1991.

Skinner (1986) = Marilyn B. Skinner, “Classical Studies vs. Women Studies: Duo moi ta noêmmata”, Helios, 12.2 (1986) 3-16.

Skinner (1986b) = Id., “Rescuing Creusa: New Methodological Approaches to Women in Antiquity”, Helios, 13.2 (1986) 1-8.

Skinner (1996) = Id., “Zeus and Leda: The Sexuality Wars in Contemporary Classical Scholarship”, Thamyris, 3 (1996) 103-123. <http://www.uky.edu/ArtsSciences/Classics/skinzeus.html>

Snyder (1989) = J. M. Snyder, The Woman and the Lyre. Women Writers in Classical Greece and Rome, Bristol, 1989.

Späth (1994) = Th. Späth, Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit bei Tacitus. Zur Konstruktion der Geschlechter in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Frankfurt-Nueva York, 1994.

Späth-Wagner (2000) = Th. Späth – B. Wagner-Hasel (eds.), Frauenwelten in der Antike. Geschlechterordnung und weibliche Lebenspraxis, Stuttgart-Weimar, 2000.

Stahlmann (1998) = Id., “Geschlechterrollen. Rom”, NP, 4 (1998) 1011-1012.

Thommen (1999) = L. Thommen, “Spartanische Frauen”, MH, 56 (1999) 129-149.

Thraede (1972) = K. Thraede, “Frau”, RLAC, 8 (1972) 197-269.

Uglione (1987) = R. Uglione (cur.), Atti del Convegno nazionale di studi su “La donna nel mondo antico” (Torino 21-23 aprile 1986), Turín, 1987.

Van Sertima (1986) = I. Van Sertima, Black Women in Antiquity, New Brunswick, 1986.

Van Wees (1998) = H. Van Wees, “A brief history of tears: gender differentiation in Archaic Greece”, en Foxhall-Salmon (B-1998), pp. 10-53.

Vérilhac (1985) = A. M. Vérilhac (dir.), La femme dans le monde méditer­ranéen. I: Antiquité, Lyon-París, 1985.

Vérilhac-Vial (1990) = M. Vérilhac – C. Vial, La femme dans l’Antiquité classique: Bibliographie, Lyon, 1990.

Vidén (1993) = G. Vidén, Women in Roman Literature, Goteburgo, 1993.

Vogt (1960) = J. Vogt, “Von der Gleichwertigkeit der Geschlechter in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft der Griechen”, AAWM, 2 (1960) 213-255. [reeditado en Siems (1988), pp. 118-166]

Wagner (1998) = B. Wagner-Hasel, “Frau. Griechenland und Rom”, NP, 4 (1998) 634-637.

Wagner (1998b) = Id., “Geschlechterrollen. Griechenland”, NP, 4 (1998) 1008-1011.

Walters (1997b) = J. Walters, “Invading the Roman body: manliness and impenetrability in Roman thought”, en Hallet-Skinner (1997), pp. 29-43.

Warren (1973) = L. B. Warren, “The Women in Etruria”, Arethusa, 6 (1973) 91-101.

Whitbeck (1984) = C. Whitbeck, “Qewrive" gia th diaforav twn fuvlwn”, Hypathia, 2 (1984) 33-60.

Willing (1994) = M. Willing, “Zwischen Oikos und Komos. Frauen im antiken Sparta”, Altertum, 39 (1994) 251-268.

Wyke (1998) = M. Wyke (ed.), Gender and the Body in the Mediterranean Antiquity, Oxford, 1998.

Zeitlin (1996b) = Froma I. Zeitlin, Playing the Other. Essays on Gender and Society in Classical Greek Literature, Chicago, 1996.


2.2.Sociología del sexo y del género.


2.2.1.      Identidades y preferencias: heterosexualidad/bisexualidad.

Baumann (1955) = H. Baumann, Das doppelte Geschlecht: Studien zur Bisexualität in Ritus und Mythos, Berlín, 1955.

Brisson (1973) = L. Brisson, “Bisexualité et médiation en Grèce ancienne”, Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse, 7 (1973) 27-48.

Brisson (1978) = Id., “Aspects politiques de la bisexualité. L’histoire de Polycrite (Phlégon, De mirab. ch. 2; Proclus, In Remp. II 115.7-15)”, en M. B. De Boer – T. A. Edridge (eds.), Hommages à Maarten J. Vermaseren, Leiden, 1978, vol. I, pp. 80-122.

Brisson (1986) = Id., “Neutrum utrumque. La bisexualité dans l’Antiquité gréco-romaine”, en A. Faivre – F. Tristan (eds.), L’Androgyne, París, 1986, pp. 31-61 (trad. ital.: Androgino, Génova, 1991, pp. 33-78).

Cantarella (1988) = Id., Secondo natura. La bisessualità nel mondo antico, Roma, 1988 (trad. esp., Madrid, 1991).

Carp (1983) = T. Carp, “Venus utraque. A typology of seerhood”, CW, 76 (1983) 275-285.

Halperin (1992) = David M. Halperin, “Historicizing the Sexual Body: Sexual Preferences and Erotic Identities in the Pseudo-Lucianic Erôtes”, en Domna C. Stanton (ed.), Discourses of Sexuality. From Aristotle to AIDS, Ann Arbor, 1992, pp. 236-261.

Héritier (1993) = F. Héritier-Augé, “La costruzione dell’essere sessuato, la costruzione sociale del genere e le ambiguità dell’identità sessuale”, en M. Bettini (ed.), Maschile e Femminile. Genere e ruoli nelle culture antiche, Roma-Bari, 1993, pp. 113-139.

Klabunde (1998) = M. Klabunde, Symmetry Braking: The Discussion of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Boys vs. Women as Sex Partners in the Second Century C.E., tesis, University of Cincinnati, 1998.

Leduc (1992) = C. Leduc, “Bisexualités”, DHA, 18 (1992) 357-363.

Leitao (1996) = D. Leitao, “Orpheus and the Third Sex: Some Thoughts on Sexual Diversity in Ancient Greece”, Humanities Magazine, 14 (1996) 47-69.

Parker (A-1996) = Holt N. Parker, “Heterosexuality”, OCD, 702-703.

Vetta (1982) = M. Vetta, “Ambivalenza sessuale e condizione femminile nel mondo antico”, QUCC, 66 (1991) 151-158.


2.2.2.      Ambigüedad sexual, transvestismo.

Anson (1974) = J. Anson, “The female transvestite in early monasticism: the origen and development of a motif”, Viator, 5 (1974) 1-32.

Bleisch (1997) = Pamela R. Bleisch, “Crossing the Ancient Stage. Plautine Travesties of Gender and Genre: Transvestim and Tragicomedy in Amphitruo”, Didaskalia, 4.1 (1997). <http://didaskalia.berkeley.edu/issues/vol4no1/bleisch.html>

Bonnet (1996) = C. Bonnet, “Héraclès travesti”, en C. Jourdain-Annequin – C. Bonnet (eds.), Héraclès, les femmes et le féminin: actes du colloque de Grenoble, 22-23 octobre 1992, Bruselas, 1996, pp. 120-131.

Cyrino (1998) = M. S. Cyrino, “Heroes in d(u)ress: transvestism and power in the myths of Herakles and Achilles”, Arethusa, 31 (1998) 207-241.

Delavaud (1995) = M.-H. Delavaud-Roux, “L’énigme des danseurs barbus au parasol et les vases des Lénéennes”, RA (1995) 227-263.

Delcourt (1988) = M. Delcourt, “La pratica rituale del travestimento”, en Calame (1988), pp. 87-101. [= Delcourt (1958), pp. 5-27]

Gallini (1963) = C. Gallini, “Il travestismo rituale di Penteo”, SMSR, 34 (1963) 211-228.

Krenkel (1990) = Werner A. Krenkel, “Transvestismus in der Antike”, WZRostock, 39, (1990) 144-157.

Leitao (1995) = D. Leitao, “The perils of Leukippos: initiatory transvestism and male ideology in the Ekdusia”, ClAnt, 14 (1995) 130-163.

Longo (1993) = O. Longo, “La damigella di Epidauro. Anatomie di travestiti”, en R. Pretagostini (ed.), Tradizione e innovazione nella cultura greca da Omero all’ età ellenistica. Scritti in onore di B. Gentili, Roma, 1993, vol. 3, pp. 1047-1055.

Rossi (B-1997) = E. Rossi, “Ruoli e scambi di ruoli nelle Metamorfosi ovidiane”, ASNP, 2.2 (1997) 453-480.

Saïd (1987) = S. Saïd, “Travestis et travestissements dans les comédies d’Aristophane”, CGITA, 3 (1987) 217-248.

Tracy (1976) = V. A. Tracy, “Roman Dandies and Transvestites”, EMC, 20 (1976) 60-63.

Zeitlin (1981) = Froma I. Zeitlin, “Travesties of Gender and Genre in Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazousae”, Critical Inquiry, 8.2 (1981) 301-327. [reimpr. en E. Abel (ed.), Writing and Sexual Difference, Brighton, 1982, pp. 131-157]


2.3.Fisiología del sexo y del género.


2.3.1.      Aspectos médicos generales: ginecología, andrología.

Amundsen-Diers (1969) = D. W. Amundsen & C. J. Diers, “The Age of Menarche in Classical Greece and Rome”, Human Biology, 41 (1969) 125-132.

Amundsen-Diers (1970) = Iid., “The Age of Menopause in Classical Greece and Rome”, Human Biology, 42 (1970) 79-86.

Ballabriga (1986) = A. Ballabriga, “Les eunuques scythes et leurs femmes. Stérilité des femmes et impuissance des hommes en Scythie selon le traité hippocratique Des airs”, Métis, 1 (1986) 121-139.

Byl (1990) = S. Byl, “L’étiologie de la stérilité féminine dans le Corpus Hippocraticum”, en P. Potter – G. Maloney – J. Desautels (eds.), La maladie et les maladies dans la Collection hippocratique. Actes du VI Colloque international hippocratique, Quebec, 1990, pp. 303-322.

Carson (1999) = Id., “Dirt and desire: the phenomenology of female pollution in Antiquity”, en Porter (A-1999), pp. 77-100.

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2.3.2.      Androginia y hermafroditismo.

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2.3.3.      Embarazo y parto, aborto y contracepción.

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2.4.Presencia del sexo en la vida en sociedad de la mujer.


2.4.1.      Status de la mujer: mozas, esposas, concubinas y viudas.

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Pantazopoulos (1984) = N. I. Pantazopoulos, “#Agrafo" gavmo", pallakeiva. Sumbolh; eij" th;n e[reunan tou' dikaivou tw'n miktw'n gavmwn kata; th;n eJllhnistikh;n kai; th;n buzantinh;n perivodon”, en A. Biscardi – J. Mélèze-Modrzejewski – H. J. Wolff – P. D. Dimakis (eds.), Mnhvmh Gewrgivou A. Petropouvlou (1897-1964), vol. II, Atenas, 1984, pp. 151-193.

Paradiso (1993) = A. Paradiso, “Osservazioni sulla cerimonia nuziale spartana”, QS, 24 (1986) 137-153.

Patterson (1991) = C. B. Patterson, “Marriage and the Married Woman in Athenian Law”, en Sara B. Pomeroy (ed.), Women’s History and Ancient History, Chapel Hill, 1991, pp. 48-72.

Penta (1980) = M. Penta, “La viduitas nella condizione della donna romana”, AAP, 31 (1980) 341-351.

Plassard (1921) = J. Plassard, Le concubinat romain sous le Haut-Empire, París, 1921.

Pomeroy (B-1988b) = Sarah B. Pomeroy, “Greek Marriage”, en M. Grant & R. Kitzinger (eds.), Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece and Rome, Nueva York, 1988, pp. 1333-1342.

Quartuccio (1978) = D. Quartuccio, “Sull’origine dell’adfectio maritalis”, Labeo, 24 (1978) 51-56.

Rawson (1974) = B. Rawson, “Roman Concubinage and Other De Facto Marriages”, TAPhA, 104 (1974) 279-305.

Rawson (1991) = Id. (ed.), Marriage, Divorce, and Children in Ancient Rome, Oxford, 1991.

Redfield (A-1982) = J. Redfield, “Notes on the Greek Wedding”, Arethusa, 15 (1982) 181-201.

Rojo (1986) = M. T. Rojo, “El sentimiento de la mujer griega ante el matrimonio”, en E. Garrido González (ed.), La mujer en el mundo antiguo, Madrid, 1986, pp. 167-192.

Rousselle (1984) = A. Rousselle, “Concubinat et adultère”, Opus, 3 (1984) 75-84.

Rousselle (1991)

Roy (1997) = J. Roy, “An alternative sexual morality for classical Athens”, G&R, 44 (1997) 11-22.

Rozwadowski (1987) = W. Rozwadowski, “De matrimonii Romani naturae nova explicatione” (en pol., con resumen en lat.), Meander, 42 (1987) 237-247.

Ruggiero (1981) = A. Ruggiero, “Il matrimonio della impubere in Roma antica”, AAN, 92 (1981) 63-71.

Schiemann (1999) = G. Schiemann, “Matrimonium”, NP, 7 (1999) 1029-1030.

Sealey (1984) = R. Sealey, “On lawfull concubinage in Athens”, ClAnt, 3 (1984) 111-113.

Shaw (A-1987) = Brent D. Shaw, “The Age of Roman Girls at Marriage: Some considerations”, JRS, 77 (1987) 30-46.

Shaw (A-2002) = Id., “‘Whit whom I lived’: Measuring Roman marriage”, AncSoc, 32 (2002) 195-242.

Sutton (1997) = Robert F. Sutton, “Nuptial Eros: The Visual Discourse of Marriage in Classical Athens”, JWAG, 55-56 (1997-98) 27-48.

Thompson (1972) = W. E. Thompson, “Athenian marriage patterns: remarriage”, CSCA, 5 (1972) 211-225.

Thomsen (1992) = O. Thomsen, Ritual and desire: Catullus 61 and 62 and other ancient documents on wedding and marriage, Aarhus, 1992.

Treggiari (1981) = Susan M. Treggiari, “Contubernales in CIL VI”, Phoenix, 35 (1981) 42-69.

Treggiari (1982) = Id., “Concubinae”, PBSR, 49 (1982) 59-81.

Treggiari (1982b) = Id., “Consent to Roman marriage. Some aspects of law and reality”, EMC, 26 (1982) 34-44.

Treggiari (1991) = Id., Roman Marriage. Iusti Coniuges from the time of Cicero to the time of Ulpian, Oxford, 1991.

Treggiari (1992) = Id., “Divorce Roman style: how easy and how frequent was it?”, en Rawson (1991), pp. 31-46.

Treggiari-Dorken (1981) = Susan M. Treggiari & S. Dorken, “Women with two living husbands in CIL VI”, LCM, 6 (1981) 269-272.

Vatin (1970) = C. Vatin, Recherches sur le mariage et la condition de la femme mariée à l’époque hellénistique, París, 1970.

Vérilhac-Vial (1998) = M. Vérilhac – C. Vial, Le mariage grec. Du VIe siècle av. J.-C. à l’époque d’Auguste, Atenas, 1998.

Vernant (1973) = J.-P. Vernant, “Le mariage en Grèce archaïque”, PP, 28 (1973) 51-74.

Versnel (1987) = H. S. Versnel, “Wife and Helpmate: Women of Athens in Anthropological Perspective”, en Blok-Mason (1987), pp. 59-86.

Volterra (1955) = E. Volterra, “La conception du mariage à Rome”, RIDA, 2 (1955) 365-379.

Walcot (1987) = P. Walcot, “Romantic love and true love: Greek attitudes to marriage”, AnSoc, 18 (1987) 5-33.

Walcot (1991) = Id., “On widows and their reputation in antiquity”, SO, 66 (1991) 5-26.

Williams (E-1958) = G. Williams, “Some aspects of Roman marriage ceremonies and ideals”, JRS, 48 (1958) 16-29.

Wolff (1944) = H. J. Wolff, “Marriage law and family organization in ancient Athens. A study on the interrelation of public and private law in the Greek city”, Traditio, 2 (1944) 43-95.


2.4.2.      La mujer frente al (otro) sexo: virginidad, castidad, promiscuidad.

Aguirre (2002) = M. Aguirre Castro, “Scylla: Hideous monster or femme fatale?”, CFC(egi), 12 (2002) 319-328.

Anson (1974) = J. Anson, “The female transvestite in early monasticism: the origen and development of a motif”, Viator, 5 (1974) 1-32.

Beard (1995) = M. Beard, “Re-reading (Vestal) Virginity”, en Hawley-Levick (1995), pp. 166-177.

Beatrice (1976) = F. Beatrice, “Continenza e matrimonio nel cristianesimo primitivo”, en Cantalamessa (1976), pp. 3-68.

Boldrini (1995) = S. Boldrini, “Verginità delle vestali: la prova”, en Raffaelli (1995), pp. 295-300.

Brown (C-1985) = P. Brown, “The Notion of Virginity in the Early Church”, en B. McGinn – J. Meyendorff – J. Leclerq (eds.), Christian Spirituality, Nueva York, 1985, pp. 427-443.

Burrus (1996) = V. Burrus, “Palabra y carne: los cuerpos y la sexualidad de las mujeres ascetas en la Antigüedad cristiana”, en Pérez-Andreotti (1996), pp. 131-170.

Cameron (1994) = A. Cameron, “Early Christianity and the Discourse of Female Desire”, en L. J. Archer – S. Fischler – M. Wyke (eds.), Women in Ancient Societies: An Illusion of the Night, Basingstoke, 1994, pp. 152-168.

Cantarella (1996) = E. Cantarella, “La sexualidad de la mujer romana”, en Pérez-Andreotti (1996), pp. 115-130.

Carson (1990) = A. Carson, “Putting her in her place: woman, dirt, and desire”, en Halperin-Winkler-Zeitlin (1990), pp. 135-169.

Carson (1999) = Id., “Dirt and desire: the phenomenology of female pollution in Antiquity”, en Porter (A-1999), pp. 77-100.

Cartledge (1981) = P. Cartledge, “Spartan Wifes: Liberation or Licence?”, CQ, 31 (1981) 84-105.

Castelli (1986) = E. Castelli, “Virginity and its meaning for women’s sexuality in early Christianity”, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 2 (1986) 61-88.

Clark (A-1995) = Edith G. Clark, “Women’s asceticism in late antiquity: the refusal of status and gender”, en V. L. Winbush – R. Valantasis (eds.), Asceticism, Oxford, 1995, pp. 33-48.

Cole (1995) = Susan G. Cole, “Women, dogs, and flies”, AncW, 26 (1995) 182-191.

Consolino (1998) = Franca E. Consolino, “Casti per amor di Dio: la ‘conversione’ dell’eros”, en Pricoco (1998), pp. 159-195.

Drijvers (1987) = Jan W. Drijvers, “Virginity and Asceticism in Late Roman Western Elites”, en Blok-Mason (1987), pp. 241-273.

Dumézil (1954) = G. Dumézil, “Meretrices et virgines dans quelques légendes politiques de Rome et des peuples celtiques”, Ogam, 6 (1954) 2-8.

Fear (1991) = A. T. Fear, “The Dancing Girls of Cadiz”, G&R, 38 (1991) 75-79. [reeditado en McAuslan-Walcot (1996), pp. 177-181]

Foucault (1983) = M. Foucault, “La lotta della castità”, en Ariès-Béjin (1983), pp. 21-36.

Gazarini (1993) = Lourdes M. Gazarini Conde Feitosa, “Mulher, amor e desejo segundo a literatura amorosa do alto império”, en Actas VII Reunião Anual da SBEC, vol. 2, 1993 (= Classica, supl. 2), pp. 125-130.

Ghiron (1994) = P. Ghiron-Bistagne, “Le cheval et la jeune fille ou De la virginité en Grèce antique”, CGITA, 8 (1994-1995) 3-19.

Glenn (1977) = J. Glen, “Pandora and Eve, sex as the root of all evil”, CW, 71 (1977-78) 179-185.

Hidalgo (1993) = Mª J. Hidalgo de la Vega, “Mujeres, carisma y castidad en el cristianismo primitivo”, Gerión, 11 (1993) 229-244.

Hidalgo (1994) = Id., “Usos sexuales y amorosos de las mujeres en el Imperio Romano: ¿imagen o realidad?”, en Alvar-Blánquez-Wagner (1994), pp. 99-110.

Joshel (1997) = Sandra R. Joshel, “Female Desire and the Discourse of Empire: Tacitus’s Messalina”, en Hallet-Skinner (1997), pp. 221-254.

Keith (1997) = Alison M. Keith, “Tandem venit amor: a Roman woman speaks of love”, en Hallet-Skinner (1997), pp. 295-310.

Keroloss (1996) = H. F. Keroloss, Virginity in the ancient Church: the Meanings and Motives of sexual Renuntiation in the first four Centuries, Tesis Doctoral, Fordham Univ., Bronx (NY), 1996.

King (A-1996) = H. King, “Chastity”, OCD, 319-320.

Konstan (2000c) = D. Konstan, “The Pre-pubescent Lover in Greek Literature” <http://www.stoa.org/diotima/essays/konstan2.pdf>  [forthcoming as “El amante adolescente”, in J. A. López Férez (ed.), El amor en la literatura griega, Madrid, 2002?].

Lizzi (1998) = R. Lizzi, “Vergini di Dio, vergini di Vesta: il sesso negato e la sacralità”, en Pricoco (1998), pp. 89-132.

Lubell (1995) = W. M. Lubell, The metamorphosis of Baubo: myths of woman’s sexual energy, Nashville, 1995.

Mastromarco (1995) = G. Mastromarco, “Donne e seduzione d’amore da Omero ad Aristofane”, en Raffaelli (1995), pp. 43-60.

McNamara (1976) = Jo A. McNamara, “Sexual equality and the cult of virginity in early Christian thought”, Feminist Studies, 3 (1976) 145-158.

Moreau (B-1951) = J. Moreau, “Les guerriers et les femmes impudiques”, en Mélanges H. Grégoire, vol. III (= AIPhO, XI), Bruselas, 1951, pp. 283-300.

Mossé (1996) = C. Mossé, “La sexualidad de la mujer griega: época arcaica y clásica”, en Pérez-Andreotti (1996), pp. 35-46.

Pailler (1997) = J. M. Pailler, “La vierge et le serpent: de la trivalence à l’ambiguité”, MEFRA, 109 (1997) 513-575.

Pinault (1992) = J. Pinault, “The medical case for virginity in the early second century C.E.: Soranus of Ephesus Gynecology 1.32”, Helios, 19 (1992) 123-139.

Richlin (1997) = A. Richlin, “Pliny’s Brassiere”, en Hallet-Skinner (1997), pp. 197-220.

Rousselle (1991) = A. Rousselle, “La política de los cuerpos: entre procreación y continencia en Roma”, en Duby-Perrot (1991), pp. 317-369.

Roy (1997) = J. Roy, “An alternative sexual morality for classical Athens”, G&R, 44 (1997) 11-22.

Saïd (1985) = Id., “Usages de femmes et sauvagerie dans l’ethnographie grecque d’Hérodote à Diodore et Strabon”, en Vérilhac (1985), pp. 137-150.

Sebesta (1998) = J. L. Sebesta, “Women’s costume and feminine civic morality in Augustan Rome”, en Wyke (1998), pp. 529-541.

Serrato (1993) = M. Serrato, Ascetismo femenino en Roma, Cádiz, 1993.

Shaw (C-1998) = Teresa M. Shaw, “Creation, Virginity and Diet in Fouth-Century Christianity: Basil of Ancyra’s On the True Purity of Virginity”, en Wyke (1998), pp. 155-172.

Sissa (1984) = G. Sissa, “Une virginité sans hymen: le corps féminin en Grèce ancienne”, Annales(ESC), 39 (1984) 1119-1139. [= “Maidenhood without Maidenhead: The Female Body in Ancient Greece”, en Halperin-Winkler-Zeitlin (1990), pp. 339-364]

Sissa (1987) = Id., Le corps virginal. La virginité féminine en Grèce ancienne, París, 1987 (trad. ingl., Greek Virginity, Harvard, 1990; trad. ital., La verginità in Grecia, Bari, 1992).

Sivan (1993) = H. Sivan, “On hymens and holiness in late Antiquity: opposition to aristocratic female asceticism at Rome”, JAC, 36 (1993) 81-93.

Stahlmann (1997) = I. Stahlmann, Der gefesselte Sexus. Weibliche Keuschheit und Askese im Westen des Römischen Reiches, Berlín, 1997.

Sullivan (1980) = J. P. Sullivan, “Lady Chatterley in Rome”, Pacific Coast Philology, 15 (1980) 53-62.

Triantaphyllopoulos (1988) = J. Triantaphyllopoulos, “Virginité et défloration masculines”, en Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Papyrology, Atenas, 1988, pp. 327-333.

Viitaniemi (1998) = L. Viitaniemi, “Parthenia. Remarks on virginity and its meaning in the religious context of ancient Greece”, en Larsson-Strömberg (1998), pp. 44-57.


2.4.3.      La mujer en sociedad: educación y participación en fiestas, rituales y otros actos sociales con frecuente componente sexual.

Bettini (1995) = M. Bettini, “In vino stuprum”, en O Murray – M. Tecusan (eds.), In vino veritas, Londres, 1995, pp. ¿?.

Bowen (1992) = R. Bowen-Ward, “Women in Roman Baths”, HThR, 85 (1992) 125-147.

Brumfield (1996) = A. C. Brumfield, “Aporreta: verbal and ritual obscenity in the cults of ancient women”, en R. Hägg (ed.), The Role of Religion in the Early Greek Polis: Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult, Organized by the Swedish Institute ar Athens, 16-18 October 1992, Estocolmo, 1996, pp. 67-74.

Buchholz (B-1987) = H.-G. Buchholz, “Das Symbol des Gemeinsam Mantels”, JDAI, 102 (1987) 1-55.

Burton (1998) = J. Burton, “Women’s Commensality in the Ancient Greek World”, G&R, 45 (1998) 143-165.

Calame (1977) = C. Calame, Les choeurs de jeunes filles en Grèce archaïque. I. Morphologie, fonction religieuse et sociale, Roma, 1977 (trad. ingl., Lanham MD, 1997).

Cole (1984b) = Susan G. Cole, “The social function of rituals of maturation: the koureion and the arkteia”, ZPE, 55 (1984) 233-244.

Dillon (B-2000) = Id., “Did pathenoi attend the Olympic Games? Girls and women competing, spectating, and carrying out cult roles at Greek religious festivals”, Hermes, 128 (2000) 457-480.

Dillon (B-2002) = Id., Girls and Women in Classical Greek Religion, Londres-Nueva York, 2002.

Durry (1955b) = M. Durry, “Les femmes et le vin”, REL, 33 (1955) 108-113.

Fear (1991)

Ferrandini (1998)

French (1998) = D. R. French, “Maintaining boundaries: the status of actresses in early Christian society”, VChr, 52 (1998) 293-318.

Gagé (1963) = J. Gagé, Matronalia. Essai sur les dévotions et les organisations cultuelles des femmes dans l’ancienne Rome, Bruselas, 1963.

Gentili-Perusino (2002) = B. Gentili – F. Perusino (eds.), Le orse di Brauron. Un rituale di iniziazione femminile nel santuario di Artemide, Pisa, 2002.

Gerö-Johnsson (2001) = E.-C. Gerö & H.-R. Johnsson, “Where Were the Women When the Men Laughed at Lysistrata”, Eranos, 99 (2001) 87-99.

Guarducci (1928) = M. Guarducci, “Due o più donne sotto un solo manto in una serie di vasi greci arcaici”, MDAI (A), 53 (1928) 52-65.

Henderson (1991) = J. Henderson, “Women and the Athenian Dramatic Festivals”, TAPhA, 121 (1991) 133-147.

Henrichs (1978) = A. Henrichs, “Greek Maenadism from Olympias to Messalina”, HSPh, 82 (1978) 121-160.

Ingals (1999) = Wayne B. Ingals, “Traditional Greek Choruses and the Education of Girls”, History of Education, 28.4 (1999) 371-393.

Katz (1998) = Marilyn A. Katz, “Did the women of ancient Athens attend the theater in the eighteenth century?”, CPh, 93 (1998) 105-124.

Kraemer (1976) = Ross S. Kraemer, Ecstatics and ascetics. Studies in the functions of religious activities for women in the Greco-Roman world, tesis, Princeton Univ., 1976.

Kraemer (1979) = Id., “Ecstasy and Possession: The Attraction of Women to the Cult of Dionysus”, HThR, 72 (1979) 55-80.

Mastromarco (1995b) = G. Mastromarco, “Donne a teatro nell’Atene di Aristofane”, en Studia Classica Io. Tarditi oblata, a cura di L. Belloni – G. Milanese – A. Porro, Milán, 1995, pp. 947-955.

McGinn (1998c) = Thomas A. J. McGinn, “Feminae probrosae and the litter”, CJ, 93 (1997-98) 241-250.

Parisinou (2000) = E. Parisinou, “‘Lighting’ the World of Women: Lamps and Torches in the Hands of Women in the Late Archaic and Classical Periods”, G&R, 47 (2000) 19-43.

Pemberton (2000) = Elizabeth G. Pemberton, “Wine, Women and Song: Gender Roles in Corinthian Cult”, Kernos, 13 (2000) 85-106.

Pomeroy (B-1977) = Sarah B. Pomeroy, “Tekhnikai kai mousikai: The education of women in the fourth century and in the hellenistic period”, AJAH, 2 (1977) 51-68.

Real (1995) = C. Real Torres, “Un tabú en la sociedad grecorromana: la mujer y el vino”, Fortunatae, 7 (1995) 301-309.

Rodríguez (C-1994) = Mª J. Rodríguez Mampaso, “Las ménades y lo irracional: el ambiguo papel de Dioniso”, en Mª J. Rodríguez Mampaso – E. Hidalgo Blanco – Carlos G. Wagner (eds.), Roles sexuales. La mujer en la historia y la cultura, Madrid, 1994, pp. 23-33.

Roller (B-2003) = M. Roller, “Horizontal women: posture and sex in the Roman convivium”, AJPh, 124 (2003) 377-422.

Saavedra (1996) = Mª D. Saavedra-Guerrero, “Iuuenae en los collegia del Occidente romano”, A&R, 41 (1996) 24-31.

Scanlon (1988) = T. F. Scanlon, “Virgineum Gymnasium. Spartan Females and Early Greek Athletes”, en W. Raschke (ed.), The Archaeology of Olympics, Madison, 1988, pp. 185-216.

Sebesta (1998)

Serwint (1993) = N. Serwint, “The female athletic costume at the Heraia and prenuptial initiation rites”, AJA, 97 (1993) 403-422.

Stehle-Day (1996) = Eva M. Stehle & A. Day, “Women looking at women: Women’s Ritual and temple sculpture”, en Kampen (1996), pp. 101-116.

Vesley (1998) = M. Vesley, “Gladiatorial Training for Girls in the Collegia Iuvenum of the Roman Empire”, EMC, 17 (1998) 85-93.

Villard (1997) = L. Villard, “Le vin et les femmes: un texte méconnu de la Collection Hippocratique”, REG, 110 (1997) 362-380.

Wehrli (1962) = C. Wehrli, “Les gynéconomes”, MH, 19 (1962) 33-38.

Wildfang (2001) = Robin L. Wilfang, “The Vestals and Annual Public Rites”, C&M, 52 (2001) 223-256.

Zeitlin (1982) = Froma I. Zeitlin, “Cultic Models of the Female: Rites of Dionysus and Demeter”, Arethusa, 15 (1982) 129-157.


2.5.Mujer y arte: sexo y género en las representaciones artísticas femeninas.

Bergmann (1996)

Böhm (1990) = St. Böhm, Die “nackte Göttin”. Zur Ikonographie und Deutung unbekleideter weiblicher Figuren in der frühgriechischen Kunst, Mainz, 1990.

Brown (F-1997) = Sh. Brown, “‘Ways of Seeing’ Women in Antiquity: an Introduction to Feminism in Classical Archaeology and Ancient Art History”, en Koloski-Lyons (1997), pp. 12-42.

Buchholz (B-1987)

Cairns (A-1996) = Douglas L. Cairns, “Veiling, aijdwv", and a red-figure amphora by Phintias”, JHS, 116 (1996) 152-158.

Dierichs (2000) = Id., “Erotik in der bildenden Kunst der Römischen Welt”, en Th. Späth – B. Wagner-Hasel (eds.), Frauenwelten in der Antike. Geschlechterordnung und weibliche Lebenspraxis, Stuttgart, 2000, pp. 391-411..

Frontisi (1986) = F. Frontisi-Ducroux, “Images du ménadisme féminin: les vases des Lénéennes”, en L’association dionysiaque dans les sociétés anciennes. Actes de la table ronde organisée par l’École française de Rome (Rome 24-25 mai 1984), París, 1986, pp. 165-176.

Guarducci (1928)

Guiraud (1985) = H. Guiraud, “La vie quotidienne des femmes à Athènes. À propos de vases attiques du Ve siècle”, Pallas, 32 (1985) 41-57.

Harvey (B-1988) = D. Harvey, “Painted ladies: fact, fiction and fantasy”, en J. Christiansen – T. Melander (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Ancient Greek and Related Pottery, Copenhague, 1988, pp. 242-254.

Haugsted (1977) = I. Haugsted, “Kvinder I Athen. Aspekter af den graeske kvindes ehrverv og uddannelse belyst ved attiske vasebilleder fra 6.-5. årh. f. Kr.”, en R. H. Salskov (ed.), En kvindes chancer I oldtiden, Copenhague, 1977, pp. 49-116.

Kampen (1994) = Natalie B. Kampen, “Material girl: feminist confrontations with Roman art”, Arethusa, 27 (1994) 111-137.

Kampen (1996c) = Natalie B. Kampen, “Gender Theory in Roman Art”, en Kleiner-Matheson (1996), pp. 14-25.

Keuls (1983)

Keuls (1984) = Eva C. Keuls, “Male-female interaction in fifth-century Dionysiac ritual as shown in Attic vase painting”, ZPE, 55 (1984) 287-297.

Parisinou (2000)

Pemberton (2000)

Peterson (1997) = Lauren H. Peterson, “Divided consciousness and female companionship: reconstructing female subjetivity on Greek vases”, Arethusa, 30 (1997) 35-74.

Reilly (1989) = J. Reilly, “Many brides: mistress and maid on Athenian lekythoi”, Hesperia, 58 (1989) 411-444.

Ridgway (1991) = Brunilde S. Ridgway, “Ancient Greek Women and Art: The Material Evidence”, AJA, 91 (1991) 399-409.

Salomon (1997) = N. Salomon, “Making a World of Difference: Gender, Asymmetry and the Greek Nude”, en Koloski-Lyons (1997), pp. 197-219.

Schauenburg (1972) = K. Schauenburg, “Frauen im Fenster”, MDAI(R), 79 (1972) 1-15.

Smith (E-2002) = Tyler Jo Smith, “Transvestim or travesty? Dance, dress and gender in Greek vase-painting”, en Lewellyn (2002), pp. 33-54.

Stehle-Day (1996)

Sutton (1981) = Robert F. Sutton, The Interaction between Men and Women Portrayed on Attic Red-Figure Pottery, tesis, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapell Hill, 1981.

Venit (1998) = Marjorie S. Venit, “Women in their cups”, CW, 92 (1998) 117-130.

Veyne-Lissarrague-Frontisi (1998) = P. Veyne – F. Lissarrague – F. Frontisi-Ducroux, Les mystères du gynécée, París, 1998.

Williams (C-1983) = D. Williams, “Women on Athenian Vases: Problems of Interpretation”, en Cameron-Kuhrt (1983), pp. 92-106.


2.6.Mujer y literatura. Tratamiento de la mujer en los distintos autores y géneros.

Adams (B-1984) = J. N. Adams, “Female speech in Latin comedy”, Antichthon, 18 (1984) 43-77.

Aguilar (1990) = R. Aguilar, “La mujer, el amor y el matrimonio en la obra de Plutarco”, Faventia, 12-13 (1990-91) 307-325.

Alfaro (1995) = V. Alfaro Bech, “La mujer en Juvenal: Sátira VI”, en Mª D. Verdejo (coord.), Comportamientos antagónicos de las mujeres en el mundo antiguo, Málaga, 1995, pp. 89-108.

Alfonsi (1955) = L. Alfonsi, “La donna dell’elegia latina”, en P. de Jonge (ed.), Tu pictura poesis. Studia latina P. J. Enk septuagenario oblata, Leiden, 1955, pp. 35-44.

Alganza (1990) = M. Alganza Roldán, “La mujer en la historiografía griega helenística: Polibio, mujeres e historia viril”, en López-Martínez-Pociña (1990), pp. 53-72.

André (1980) = J. André, “Les élégiaques romains et le statut de la femme”, en A. Thill (ed.), L’élégie romaine: enracinement, thèmes, difussion, París, 1980, pp. 51-61.

Arjava (1989) = A. Arjava, “Jerome and Women”, Arctos, 23 (1989) 5-18.

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